TECHNICAL Runs on the SNK "Neo-Geo MVS" hardware. Further bonus points are awarded if the player's Metal Slug vehicle has survived the boss battle. Once the boss has been destroyed, bonus points are awarded for each prisoner rescued.
Each level ends with at least one large enemy 'Boss' vehicle that takes many hits to destroy. Available weapons are Heavy Machine Gun, Flame Shot, Rocket Launcher and Shotgun. The levels are littered with bearded hostages who, when rescued, award players with either points bonuses (in the form of medals) or weapon power-ups. The enemy troops also have vehicles at their disposal, such as tanks, boats and helicopters. If the Slug takes too many hits it will break down and start to flash, the player must then quickly exit the vehicle before it explodes. The Metal Slug is slow-moving but has very powerful weapons. Also, at certain points during a level players will find an unused 'Super Vehicle-001' - or Metal Slug - tank which can be entered and driven. Players start the game armed only with a pistol, but extra weapons can be picked up and used for greater firepower. The game features six enemy-packed levels, referred to as 'missions'.
A scrolling 'run-and-gun' platform game for one or two players, Metal Slug is a humorous parody of war and specifically of World War II and the Nazis. published 26 years ago: Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001 © 1996 Nazca.